geoff buchanan

apex legends

season 16 "revelry" bootflow intro

official sound design

apex legends

season 15 "eclipse" bootflow intro

official sound design

Wwise & Unity sound design
and integration demo


personal sound design demos

League of Legends - Swain | Sound Re-Design (4 variations)

Sound Re-Design for the attacks and skills of the champion Swain, consisting of 4 different sound design variations. These sounds were designed by myself and not part of the official game. These are for creative and demo purposes only.

League of Legends - Sound Re-Design | Champions: Akali, Taliyah, Urgot and Zoe

Sound Re-Design for the attacks and skills of champions Akali, Taliyah, Urgot and Zoe. These sounds were designed by myself and not part of the official game. These are for creative and demo purposes only.

League of Legends - Kai'sa | Sound Re-Design (4 variations)

Sound Re-Design for the attacks and skills of the champion Kai'sa, consisting of 4 different sound design variations. These sounds were designed by myself and not part of the official game. These are for creative and demo purposes only.

Ready Player One - Artifact Scene - Sound Re-Design demo

Sound Design demo of an excerpt from the movie Ready Player One. What you hear was designed by me (including i-R0k's voice!), however this is not not the official audio for this movie or scene.

Last Year: The Nightmare - Sound Re-Design

Sound Design demo from the Last Year: The Nightmare trailer from Elastic Games. This is a demo only and not the audio for the official trailer.

League Of Legends - Login Screen Animation - Sound Re-Design

This is a Sound Design demo of the login screen of League of Legends by Riot Games. What you hear was designed by me, however this is not not the official audio for this title.

Spectravelers - Sound Design Contest

All audio, including intro logo, created using raw sources provided with the video via for the Spectravelers contest. Sounds were then designed using various sound design techniques to create strange sci-fi motion sounds to bring the visuals to life.

''Robot'' - Sound Design Contest

All audio, including intro logo, created using raw sources provided with the video via contest page. To come up with a lot of the small delicate metal and plastic-like sounds, I used a de-click tool on sources with many transients, soloed the clicks it was initially removing and rendered it out into audio. I then further manipulated with pitch, EQ, compression and other techniques to match with the material and Robot's movements.

Industrial Dragon - Sound Design Contest

The dragon's roar and growls consist of various pitched-down & processed voice recordings layered with mechanical sounds for texture as well as highly-processed modular synth stabs/drones I created and recorded with VCV Rack .

Sea Of Solitude - Sound Re-Design

This is a Sound Design demo of Sea of Solitude by Electronic Arts. What you hear was designed by me, including the music, however this is not not the official work for the release of this title.

Sea Of Solitude - Sound Re-Design & Music

This is a Sound Design demo of Sea of Solitude by Electronic Arts. What you hear was designed by me, however this is not not the official work for the release of this title.

Crysis3 - Sound Re-Design

This is a Sound Design demo of Crysis3 by Crytek. What you hear was designed by me, however this is not not the official work for the release of this title.

harley davidson motorbike recording

behind the scenes

voice direction & recording

Asphalt 9: Legends - Official Launch Trailer

Official Launch trailer for Gameloft's notorious racing game Asphalt 9: Legends.

Dungeon Hunter Champions - Heart Guardian

Recorded, edited/processed and integrated all VOs for Dungeon Hunter Champions ingame characters and Narrator, as well as the VO system and structure.

Dungeon Hunter Champions - Vampire

Recorded, edited/processed and integrated all VOs for Dungeon Hunter Champions ingame characters and Narrator, as well as the VO system and structure.

Gangstar New Orleans

Directed and recorded voice-overs for official trailer and ingame voice overs.

Dead Rivals

Edited, mixed and managed managed the voice-over recording for the game Dead Rivals, as well as many of the ingame voice overs.

Modern Combat 5: The Marauder update trailer

PRecorded and edited the voice-over for the Modern Combat 5: The Marauder character update, creating a dark, sinister and boxy effect to match the character's narrative.

Paddington Run - Gameplay Trailer

Recorded, edited and mixed voice over for the official gameplay trailer as well as paddington's ingame voice overs.



Sound design project for a client who filmed an advertisement for Citroen. Music was provided by client.

Champ De Manoeuvres

Sound design project for a client who filmed an advertisement for Champ de Manoeuvres. Music was provided by client.

Monsieur FLower

Sound design project for a client who filmed an advertisement for Monsieur Flower. Music was provided by client. Toulouse, France

La Relève

Sound design project for a client who filmed an advertisement for La Relève vinyard. Music was provided by client.

Squeez'd To Go

Sound design project for a client who filmed an advertisement for Squeez'd To Go. Music was provided by client.


This is an ad for the tech company AiRedefined that I was hired to design the sound for. The music was composed by my talented friend Rodrigo Rubilar.